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« VINGER, JORDEN » 2017.  Project for the art event « Vevringutstillinga ».


(studio 1 et 2)

Mixed Media, 230X400cm.

Oil painting and pencils on paper, Beauvais embroidery on heavy paper sheet,

stones from the fjord, sound installation in situ.

It is 2 separated papers panels («Vinger » and « Jorden »),

and when  they are assembled altogether, the total size is 230cm X 400 cm.

This work is based on a movie from 1966: « Tanin no kao (The Face of Another) »,

by the japanese author Hiroshi Teshigahara.

« There are limits in life. Men don’t have wings. No matter how high they rise, they always fall back to earth ».

In this fjord, there is a conflict with the authorities concerning the project of destroying one of the mountain for its ore.

Some houses would be destroyed, citizens expropriated from their lands,

and the fjord would be damaged and polluted by the human activity based on profit.

Then, it divides the inhabitants between preserving the area, and having thousand jobs for the area…

« There are limits in life. Men don’t have wings. No matter how high they rise, they always fall back to earth ».



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